Yovanis Pizzeria – Blackstone Valley Tourism

Yovanis Pizzeria

Tony’s Pizza Palace
March 6, 2019
Koto Steak House
March 8, 2019

Yovanis Pizzeria

40 Macondray St. Cumberland RI 02864

Friendly and pleasant atmosphere for customers in a well-designed, and productive environment in which people can enjoy working efficiently to deliver on their customer commitments. They have created and nurtured a healthy, creative, respectful, and fun working environment, in which our employees are well compensated and encouraged to respect our customers and to be proud of the quality of the product we serve.

They are pizza artisans with a  passion to make sure their pizza looks and tastes great by using high-quality ingredients. They understand how to best serve their customers with the delicious food, fresh ingredients and consistently quick delivery.

Yovanis Pizzeria
