WWII Memorial Dedication

First Eternal Flame Lighting in Rhode Island

This Sunday, October 17, 2021 five World War II veterans will light an Eternal Flame, the first of its kind in Rhode Island, as part of the World II Memorial dedication in Woonsocket.

Sponsored by American Legion Fairmount Post 85 and funded by the Heritage Harbor Foundation, “The Final Salute” will take place at 870 River Street in Woonsocket and is open to the public. 

If you are visiting or live in the area, this will be an opportunity to be part of a dedication to Rhode Island World War II veterans and the civilian workers on the home front who supported them. 

Many factories and mills along the Blackstone River in Woonsocket were utilized as part of the World War II war effort in supplying the military, including inflatable rubber tanks that United States Rubber manufactured out of the Alice Mill.  

A replica of an inflatable rubber Sherman tank, like those manufactured in Woonsocket, will be part of the program along with displays of other military artifacts, and original newspapers announcing the American victory. 

The program will also include an address on the distinguished American fighter ace Major John T. Godfrey, the induction of Polish-American aviator Joseph Parylak into the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame and the featured address by Dr. Scott Molloy on the “soldiers of production’”who worked tirelessly throughout industrial Rhode Island to supply the war effort.  A tribute flyover of vintage military aircraft will take place as well (weather permitting).

Military funeral honors will be rendered to the families of three World War II veterans.  Music will be provided by the U.S. Navy Band directed by former Secretary of the Navy, J. William Middendorf and by the U.S. Army National Guard Brass Quintet.

The program concludes with the lighting of the Eternal Flame.

Following the program, the public is invited to enjoy a meal of Dynamite, a Woonsocket culinary staple, and Shepherd’s Pie served by the members of Post 85. 

If you’re in the area on Saturday, you may want to also visit the Veteran’s Memorial Museum in Woonsocket, and check out its extensive Veterans Collection that features pieces from The Revolutionary War to today’s current military. Open-10 am – 4 pm. 

And since you’d be visiting during primetime for the Fall season, there is a nice section of the Blackstone River Bikeway that begins at Cold Spring Park just across the Blackstone River, if you’d like to take a walk to enjoy our wonderful nature and beautiful fall foliage. 

Information for this blog came from a press release written by Patrick Conley for the event